The Best of You

Every new year I go through the cliche ritual of come up with resolutions.  What  goals will I set for myself this year?  I.E. what crazy expecations am I going to put on myself that make me feel like a lame loser 2 months into the year.  But I don't want to skip over them entirely, b/c then I feel like I've just given up on myself.  So this year my goal was to set some aspirations for myself that are attainable.  Things that new year or not I should work on anyway.  And to be entirely satisfied if I only achieve 50% of them. 1 - Do 24 photojournaled posts.  Similar to the 365 Grateful project I attempted once upon a time, but a little less pressure.  At the end of the year I'll have a fantastic album of our fun times together and it will only be 2 small posts a month.  I loved looking through my past shots of Caden's monthly series and think I'll really enjoy it again!

2 - Lose the rest of the baby weight.  Full disclosure, the day i gave birth I weighed a whopping 215 pounds.  Completely unacceptable and totally embarrassing.  I've lost 4o pounds so far, but it's time to crack down and lose the final 20.

3- Get our 401k's in order.  Nick and I both have a couple of random old 401ks from past jobs.  It's time to get serious about our future and roll them all into an IRA roth account.  There's a fidelity a mile down the road, no excuses.

4 - Crack down on my business.  Get some real marketing plans in order and keep the ball rolling.  For REALSIES.

5 - Go to europe this July for my dear friend Irene's wedding.  I've only ever been to the Caribbean and Fiji and it's time to get over my fear of spending large sums of money and just DO IT.  Before baby #2 comes (not planned yet of course) and while my parents are willing and able to watch Caden for 10-12 days.

6 - Take my son to a beach.  This one is party selfish, b/c ummm helloooo who wouldn't want to go to a beach!? But mostly b/c now that I'm a mom I have this idea in my head of taking my little man down to the sand, slapping on insane amounts of sunscreen, a cute little bucket hat, and watching him dig a hole for hours while Nick and I video tape the whole thing from a distance (margaritas in hand of course).

7 - End the year with $10k more than we had in the bank.  This one is just good housekeeping.

And that's it for now!  Hopefully I can make any or all of them happen.  Here's hoping you set some attainable goals for YOURSELF and that you can get at least 1/2 of them accomplished.  HEYOOOH!!